Stem Cell Collection
ScanSanctuary is delighted to announce that we are working with Future Health Biobank to offer our clients the option to store their baby’s cord blood and cord tissue stem cells.
Stem cells are the foundation and building blocks of life. Over 85 medical conditions have been treated using cord blood stem cells including anaemias, leukaemia and thalassemia, with the list constantly growing. The future potential of these stem cells is vast and includes the treatment of conditions such as diabetes, cerebral palsy and heart disease.
The collection process for cord blood and cord tissue stem cells is incredibly simple. Following the safe delivery of your baby, these unique cells are collected from the placenta and umbilical cord. After collection Future Health Biobank tests the cells at their state-of-the-art processing and storage facility to ensure they are suitable for long-term storage.
Having stored over 200,000 samples, Future Health are the UK’s largest and most experienced cord blood bank. Future Health Biobank has processed and stored samples from 94 different countries around the world.
Cord Blood Packages
Your sample is processed and stored, so it is ready to be used in treatment with no additional processing cost or delay at a later stage. It is also the industry standard method of storing cord blood all over the world for both private and public banks including the NHS.
Cord blood stem cell banking - £1,600.00 (initial deposit £195)
Cord blood and cord tissue stem cell banking - £2,195.00 (initial deposit £195)
Cord blood, Cord Tissue & Outlook service - £2445.00 (initial deposit £195)
Please note you may be required to pay an additional phlebotomist fee of £300.
Quote the Scan Sanctuary Ltd to ensure that you receive a 10% discount!
Interest free instalment plan
Everyone should be given the opportunity to take full advantage of stem cell banking. As having a baby can be an expensive time, we try to make things a little more manageable by offering interest free payment plans over 6 to 12 months.
Annual storage fees
All packages require annual storage fees to be paid each year. Annual fees start from £65.00 per sample.
If you wish to talk in more detail about the service, call Future Health Biobank on 0115 967 7707.
Visit for more info.
“Came for an early scan yesterday to find out the gender of our 3rd baby and I am so glad we did. The whole experience was wonderful. I was made to feel relaxed straight away. The lady who scanned me (Jen) was so friendly and really took the time to show us our baby on screen and talk through everything.
This is the first private scan I have had and the whole experience was amazing. I would highly recommend.
Thank you so much. xx”
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